This post is more than three years old so may contain incorrect information, or opinions I no longer hold.

Add A Date To Your Posts!

07 Dec 2020 | ~1 minute read

I really hate it when I visit a blog to read a post, only to find that the owner hasn't bothered to add a published date to their posts.

Is the post a week old? A month old? 5 years old? We have absolutely no idea as consumers of your content.

This is particularly important when it comes to anything that is time sensitive, like technical posts. Let's say I'm looking to install an obscure package that isn't in the Ubuntu repo. I find a guide on how to do it, but if there's no date I could be installing a version that's 5 years old that potentially contains serious vulnerabilities.

For goodness sake, add the bloody published date to your posts! Its not difficult.

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